This is a short introduction into how to place an order with us. Throughout our site, and at your disposal, is a shopping cart system. You can add items you are interested in purchasing to your shopping cart via the shopping cart page, through our Drive Design system, or on an order form. Once you add items, your shopping cart will remain active for future visits.
When you decide to place an order, select the "Submit Order" button on any of the shopping pages. Our system will look up your address, if it is on file. If your address is not on file, you will need to enter that information. After you get a chance to review your order and wish to process it, you will be routed to a secure, encrypted page that will ask you for your credit card information. Please make sure that the billing address for your credit card is the same address we have on file for you. We do not store or even look at your credit card number.
After your credit card is verified, you will receive an email confirming your order. Your credit card will not be charged until your order is shipped. If there are any significant delays in your order, we will notify you via email.
Below are some links to get you where you need to go: